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31 Way to Get Smarter in the New Year

MIAMI (CBS4) - Want to get smarter in 2012?

Newsweek has come up with a list of thirty-one things you can do to get your brain functioning in high gear for the new year.

First, play Word with Friends on your smartphone or tablet, but don't play like me at work or like Alec Baldwin defying flight attendants.  That kind of brain exercise might prevent Alzheimer's, something that number two on the list could also help.  It's eating turmeric, a South Asian herb related to ginger.

Tae Kwan Do or any exercise that requires coordination, even Nintendo Wii Fit at home,might sharpen your wits.

Watch Al Jazeera English.  Newsweek says we shouldn't shut ourselves off from different news perspectives.

Turn off your smartphone.  It might make you dumber by disrupting focus and productivity.

Learn a language, knit, play an instrument, follow smart people on Twitter (you can follow me at amora_cbs4) and wipe the smile off your face: frowning makes you more skeptical and analytic in your thinking.  Unfortunately, it also makes you unhappier.

Finally, my favorite: sleep.  Even napping helps us process memories.  So sweet dreams... you'll be smarter tomorrow.

Click Here to see the full list.


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