"All-mond" or "ah-mond"? The different use of English in the U.S.
Turns out words in the English language are not only pronounced differently in Australia, Canada, England and other English-speaking countries; there are some major differences that can be heard right here in the United States. For example - do you say "carra-mel" or "car-mel"? Joshua Katz, a PhD student in the Department of Statistics at North Carolina State University, combined data from Cambridge University's Linguistics Professor Bert Vaux's online survey of English dialects, with maps illustrating people's pronunciations. The more clearly an answer dominates, the darker the color in the map.
For example:
The end of a loaf of bread
Do you call it heel, end, crust or something else?
Do you say it with two syllables or three?
"Cot" and "Caught"
Do you pronounce both words the same?
How do you pronounce the "U"?
The miniature lobster
Crawfish or crayfish?
How do you say words beginning with "H"?
Do you pronounce your "H" or not?
inSURance or INsurance?
How do you pronounce the first vowel?
How do you pronounce the second vowel?
"pee-KAHN" or "pick-AHN"?
Double "O's"
Roof, room, broom, root
The front seat of a car
Shotgun or dibs?
Take-out or carry-out?
What do you call restaurant food that you eat at home?
ThanksGIVing or THANKSgiving?
Halloween prank
Tp'ing or toilet papering?
Salad dressing
"Vinegar and oil" or "oil and vinegar"?