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8 quirky emails from Hillary Clinton's private server

Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015, before the House Select Committee on Benghazi. Carolyn Kaster/AP

In the second batch of documents released since Hillary Clinton's testimony before the House Select Committee investigating Benghazi, the State Department on Thursday made public around 5,500 pages of Clinton's emails.

Though the release fell short of the court-mandated 82 percent of emails required by the end of 2015, the documents still provided ample reading material, giving clues about the former secretary's everyday work life. Some of the quirkier ones -- including a limo ride flow chart, jury duty advice, and a birthday schedule -- are listed here:

Happy Birthday!


Hillary Clinton, as the former secretary of state, had to live her life according to a very strict schedule -- even on her birthday.

In one email, a schedule details Clinton's times of departure and arrival from the Andrews Air Force Base to her New York home:

"9:20 am DEPART Private Residence *En route Andrews Air Force Base

9:50 am ARRIVE Andrews Air Force Base

10:00 am DEPART Andrews Air Force Base via Military Aircraft Tail #60203 En route Westchester County Airport

11:00 am ARRIVE Westchester County Airport

11:15 am DEPART Westchester County Airport *En route Private Residence

11:30 am ARRIVE Private Residence"

But only at 11:30 AM can the birthday celebrations begin:


"Unbelievable" Photoshop job

"Sending again--because you can't miss this!" State Department

After an iconic Situation Room photo was released depicting President Obama and various administration officials briefed on the Osama bin Laden raid, a Brooklyn-based Hasidic newspaper ran the picture with Hillary Clinton cropped out.

Clinton took issue with this and emailed several close -- mostly female -- friends about the issue with a subject line of "Unbelievable":

"The Jerusalem Post reported today that a NY Hasidic paper Der Zeitung published the sit room photo w/o me (or Audrey T) photoshopped out perhaps because no woman should be in such a place of power or that I am dressed immodestly!!. This is reported at:

And so, Happy Mother's Day"

She forwarded it again to friend and former State Department policy planning director Anne-Marie Slaughter, saying "Sending again--because you can't miss this!"

Slaughter's response: "I have so many things to write to you on Mother's Day -- but the below is incredible. I wrote to Cheryl how incredibly proud I was to see you in that picture, and how depressing it still is that you are one of only 2 women (and the other barely visible). But as always, you are blazing trails ... just got back my framed version of the picture you signed for me; I got it framed with the same frame as the picture I gave you and it will hang in pride of place in my office. I will make sure this Der Zeitung piece is all over Twitter at least."

A limo ride flow chart

State Department

After some confusion about who would ride with then-Secretary Clinton in a limo, one intrepid aide sought to remedy the situation with a handy chart:

"With Jake coming and going, CPM doing the same, and Huma rejoining the roadshow after all this time of defaulting to Jake, we know it's tough to figure out who should jump in the car with the Secretary. So I've created this flowchart to help you make that determination."

It gets a little complicated:

State Department

Clinton on "60 Minutes"

State Department

When Hillary Clinton appeared on CBS' "60 Minutes" with President Barack Obama in 2013, her interview drew praise from friends.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel emailed Clinton the night the interview aired: "Zach and I are watching the interview on 60 minutes. We both think you are doing great."

Clinton's response: "Who would have thunk it?"

How to get out of jury duty, according to Clinton

State Department

When Clinton aide Jake Sullivan complained in an email about sitting for jury duty, Clinton gave some advice on how to avoid being chosen.

"Look and sound eager--you'll be viewed as too crazy for either side to pick, according to Kurt," Clinton wrote.

Sullivan responded: "My prosecutor friend told me I simply have to say I trust cops."

The then-secretary replied that the advice was: "Perfect!"

"You look cute"

State Department

State Department aides were abuzz with news of a Hillary Clinton "photo gone viral!"

The picture, made famous by the Tumblr blog "Texts from Hillary," depicts Clinton on a plane with sunglasses on and looking through her Blackberry.

One email, forwarded to Clinton by Cheryl Mills, reads: "Not sure if you're aware of this photo and its recent "life" on FaceBook. Seems everyone is posting it. (Even people who are not DoS employees!)"

Clinton appears confused about its popularity, questioning "Why now? That was on way to Libya?"

Mills' reply: "You look cute"


State Department

Hillary Clinton struggles with internet slang, and one abbreviation in particular has her confused.

"And BTW what does "fubar" mean? And what does this whole thing from Gayle mean? Are you in the DR yet?" Clinton wrote in one email.

"Fubar," which actually originates in military colloquialisms, is shorthand for "F---ed up beyond all reason."

Is Clinton a Downton Abbey fan?

State Department

The perpetually typo-challenged Democratic senator from Maryland, Barbara Mikulski, emailed Clinton about "Ur. Party" in early 2013.

Mikulski, a longtime friend of Clinton, tangentially wondered if the former secretary is -- like herself -- a fan of the BBC drama Downton Abbey:

"What a terrific time. Thanks so much for including me. Loved the. Toast- the downton abbey schtick( am a fan. R U ?). Most of all seeing. You. - so fit n sparkly. - as well as. Prez Bill - Chelsea n Uma. What fun. I loved the 60 min intw. It seemed to have. A genuine sense of warmth n respect. Teared up a few times about the thought that. Nocin. Fri. U start a new chapter. Am always ur friend."

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