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What to put in your "go bag" for a fire or other emergency evacuation

How to prepare your go-bag for the next earthquake emergency
How to prepare your go-bag for the next earthquake emergency 02:19

One of the most important parts of an emergency action plan is a go bag filled with everything you need in case of an evacuation.

Here's what you need to know about how to put one together.

What is a go bag?

An emergency supply kit or go bag is typically a backpack filled with the essentials and personal documents. Cal Fire recommends everyone have their kit ready before a wildfire or disaster to ensure a quick evacuation and contain everything someone would need for an extended stay away from their home. 

Go bags should contain the following: 

  • A 3-day supply of non-perishable food & 3 gallons of water per person
  • A map with at least 2 evacuation routes
  • Necessary prescriptions or medications
  • A change of clothes & extra eyeglasses/contact lenses
  • Extra car keys, credit cards, cash, or traveler's checks
  • A first aid kit & sanitation supplies
  • A flashlight & battery-powered radio with extra batteries

Also, ensure the pack contains any copies of important documents, including birth certificates, passports, IDs, etc. 

If time allows, people can also pack easy-to-carry valuables, family photos, irreplaceable items and chargers. 

Families can prepare a go bag for every relative. The bag should be light enough to carry for an extended amount of time. If you cannot lift it into a vehicle, then it may be too heavy. 

Firefighters created a phonetic list, dubbed the "6 P's of Evacuation," to remember everything that should go with you and your emergency kit:

  • People, pets and papers
  • phone numbers & important documents 
  • Prescriptions, vitamins & eyeglasses 
  • Pictures & irreplaceable memorabilia 
  • Personal computer, hard drive & disks 
  • "Plastic" (credit cards, ATM cards) & cash

Cal Fire also said that food and water can be put in a cooler or tub with wheels to make it easier to transport. 

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