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What A Government Shutdown Might Mean To Your IRS Refund

LOS ANGELES (CBS) — What would a government shutdown mean for your IRS refund?

Well, depending on how long the shutdown could mean a much longer wait for your check.

Stephanie Abrams, reporting for CBS 2 and KCAL 9, took us back to 1995 when the government was previously shut down in a showdown between then President Bill Clinton and then speaker Newt Gingrich.

Abrams reports today that all is calm...but is it the calm before the storm?

She spoke with a lot of people worried and concerned that government might come to a halt by this time tomorrow.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa estimates the shutdown could cost Los Angeles as much as $560 million.

At the Federal Building on Wilshire, only emergency passports will be issued...and there is already a huge backlog.

National parks will also be if you were headed to the Santa Monica Mountains, Joshua Tree or the Angeles National Forest, stay home.

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