State Water Board Sets Enviro Rules for Cannabis Cultivation
SACRAMENTO (CBSLA) — With the marijuana legalization date of Jan. 1, 2018 rapidly approaching in California, the state is getting serious about regulations.
On Tuesday, the State Water Board adopted new environmental rules for cannabis cultivation to protect water flows and water quality in rivers and streams.
"We are establishing the environmental protection rules of the road needed to deal with the expected expansion of cannabis cultivation statewide," said State Water Board Chair Felicia Marcus. "Today's action creates a strict set of rules cannabis cultivators will need to follow in order to protect water quality and quantity. We will work closely with other state agencies to make sure cultivators are aware of these rules and are following them."
The Cannabis Cultivation Policy protects California's waters from cannabis-related waste discharges, establishes protections for riparian areas and wetlands and protects stream flows.
Passed last November, Proposition 64 legalized adult-use recreational marijuana in the state.