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Virgin Mary Parade To Take Metro In Cost-Cutting Move

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Even the Virgin Mary is riding mass transit these days to save money.

An annual religious procession by Mexican immigrants in Los Angeles is now taking the Metro for part of its route.

Martha Ugarte, a spokeswoman for the Virgin of Juquila's ministry, said Friday the goal is to reduce the thousands of dollars it costs to police the route through the city.

Ugarte says 70 to 200 participants will pack into the Metro on Sunday carrying a replica of the long-haired Virgin and led by a band on their way to a church in downtown Los Angeles.

Many faithful have venerated the Virgin of Juquila since a 17th century fire in a Oaxacan village spared her image.

The route was reported this week by Spanish-language newspaper La Opinion.

(© Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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