Video shows clash between group of teenage bicyclists and Mercedes-Benz in Mid-Wilshire
Wild video that has recently started to make its rounds on social media shows the tense moments that a group of teenage bicyclists and the driver of a Mercedes-Benz appear to clash in Mid-Wilshire.
Nearly a minute worth of footage shows as a white Mercedes speeds dangerously close to the crowd of bikers, even running red lights at times and driving on the wrong side of the street as it darts through a massive group of bicycles heading westbound down W. Olympic Boulevard.
Those acts lead up to what happens next, when the group of bikers — many of which are assumed to be minors — catch up to the car inside of a parking garage and appear to attack both the driver and his vehicle until he can finally break away.
Though it's unclear when the videos were taken, some Mid-Wilshire locals say that they saw a large group of bikers heading through their neighborhood on Saturday.
Rosalina Hernandez, who owns a business in the area, say that they usually come through at least once a year.
"I was over there, 'Woo! Go guys, do a wheelie, do a wheelie!'" she recalled, noting the excitement that both she and some of her customers felt. "It was pretty joyful. The customers that were outside were cheering them on and people were honking."
Though typically a fan, Hernandez doesn't agree with what she saw on either side of the video.
"Seeing the video, it's giving me chills because it's unacceptable," she said. "Especially as a parent. There's no frustration that you could feel to have to go to that extreme."
Los Angeles Police Department investigators have not yet confirmed exactly when the video occurred or if any arrests were connected.
Some say that the incident is just the latest in a troubling trend on Southern California roads, where massive bike meetups, mobs of minibike riders and street takeovers wreak havoc at other's expense, as well as cause congestion that impacts the areas they gather for extended periods of time.