Upland Officials Debate Adding 'In God We Trust' To City Emblem
UPLAND (CBSLA.com) — Rebecca Kitchings is an atheist and not on board with adding the words "In God We Trust" to the Upland city emblem.
"If you put up In God We Trust especially with capital G we all know we are talking about Christian god not talking about Jewish god or any of the other gods," Kitchings said. "It's not inclusive. It's exclusive and keeps people away from feeling like they're part of everybody else."
On Monday night, the City Council was going to vote on adding the national motto to the city's emblem. Mayor Ray Musser is willing to pay the $1,600 to make the change.
"It's not a religion issue. It's a patriotic issue," Upland Mayor Ray Musser said. "Yes, it says In God We Trust, but that's on our dollar bills and everything that we do."
With the recent election and divisiveness in the country, Jim Richardson dislikes a possible change.
"It's an awful coincidence that that happened and this happened at the same time," Richardson said.
Monica Porras and her family welcome the four words.
"We pray and hope that it would stay In God We Trust," Porras said.
Vote was tabled Monday night because of possible litigation. City leaders will take a look at the issue down the road.