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To tip or not to tip?

Tipping down nationwide compared to start of pandemic
Tipping down nationwide compared to start of pandemic 00:55

There's no question that tipping can be a touchy subject. 

When dining out at restaurants, tipping is obviously expected and essentially mandatory. Similarly, when ordering delivery a tip should be applied to your bill. 

But when picking up takeout, almost all food establishments now prompt customers with an option to tip during the checkout process.

Needless to say, that scenario creates an awkward moment of silence between the consumer and restaurant employee giving you your food. Especially if you decide to not leave a tip.

The digital tip jar has taken some time to get used to and most customers are still unsure whether or not to leave a tip.

When the COVID-19 pandemic first began, it was clear that customers were more willing to tip when grabbing takeout due to the restrictions and hardships that restaurant owners and employees encountered. 

But that eagerness to tip has dwindled compared to the height of the pandemic, according to a recent survey.

Technology has made it convenient for eateries to request or suggest a gratuity at checkout. 

Unfortunately consumers are still on the fence on tipping at such establishments.

Some folks are eager to tip if they receive good service or if the server is friendly. Personally, I always try and give a cash tip if I'm getting curbside pickup.  

But not everyone is as willing to give a gratuity when ordering takeout or curbside pickup. 

If you would like to chime in on this discussion, drop a comment on CBSLA's Twitter or Facebook account.

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