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Teen Blinded In Police Shooting Convicted Of Threatening An Officer

SAN BERNARDINO (AP) — A Southern California gang member who was 16 when he was shot and blinded by a policeman has been convicted of threatening the officer with a stolen gun after a foot chase.

Terrell Lewis Markham on Monday was found guilty of brandishing a firearm against a San Bernardino police officer, resisting arrest and possession of stolen property.

Prosecutors told the San Bernardino County Sun the 19-year-old defendant, who is free on his own recognizance, is facing up to 23 years in prison when he's sentenced Jan. 7.

Officer Adam Affrunti was on gang patrol in November 2007 when he and his partner spotted Markham outside a liquor store in a street gang injunction area. Markham ran and he was shot when he reached for weapon in his rear pocket.

(© Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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