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Structure fire in Pomona prompts heavy response, smoke

Structure fire in Pomona causes heavy smoke
Structure fire in Pomona causes heavy smoke 01:08

Flames peaked through the roof of a structure that caught on fire in Pomona Friday morning.

Several fire engines responded to the 400 block of Garey Avenue. The Los Angeles County Fire Department said fire crews were dispatched at 5:25 a.m.

Several fire engines responded to the scene of a structure fire in Pomona.  KCAL News

A second alarm was called and firefighters went into a defensive attack strategy due to structural degradation, the fire department said. The Pomona Police Department has closed several nearby streets as firefighters work to contain the flames.

Road closures:

  • Garey Ave. is shut down between Holt Ave. and Monterey Ave.
  • Holt Ave. is closed between Gibbs St. and Main St.
  • Center St. is closed between Gibbs St. and Main St.

No other structures appear to be threatened. 

The cause of the fire is unknown. 

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