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Southern California sea birds poisoned by toxic algae outbreak

SoCal sea birds poisoned by toxic algae outbreak
SoCal sea birds poisoned by toxic algae outbreak 01:44

The toxic algae bloom spreading domoic acid across the Southern California coast has not only poisoned sea lions but also the birds flying above the waters. 

Two pelicans stranded in Dana Point and experiencing seizures have been brought to the hospital at the Wetlands Wildlife Center. Minutes later, another sick bird was delivered from Seal Beach. 

"The number of patients that we're getting into care is very high and there are reports of many more that are out there that have yet to be rescued," veterinarian Dr. Elizabeth Wood said. 

The sea birds ingest domoic acid by feeding on the fish that eat the toxic algae bloom.

"They'll need IV fluids," Executive Director Debbie McGuire said. "They need anti-seizure medication to help them with their seizures and then lots of fluids to kind of flush that out."

At least 20 birds taken to the Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center have died after being poisoned by the domoic acid algae. There have also been cases where rescuers have brought the stranded birds as far as the hospital to only find out that they died during the car ride. 

Facilities like the Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center expect more animals to be carried in for help as the situation worsens. 

Dr. Wood is trying to keep 13 birds alive. She learned on Monday afternoon that another 10 with similar symptoms are headed her way. 

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