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More Mosquitoes, Including New Breeds, Feasting On Southern Californians

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — Noticing more red, itchy bites to the legs and arms than usual? You're not alone. Health officials say this year's mosquito activity is worse than usual.

Southern Californians enjoying the warm summer nights are contending with a bigger influx of mosquitoes, including a breed new to the region.

"No matter what I put on, it's just like – I get bitten everywhere," said Delilah Gutierrez as she walked with her family in Balboa Park.

(credit: CBS)

Last winter's record rainfall is one big reason for the influx, but there are other factors, including new breeds joining the native mosquito known for carrying West Nile Virus.

"We have new kinds of mosquitoes in Southern California in addition to the region's native breeds," said Alais Medina-Diaz of the Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control. "But now we also have the invasive Aedes mosquitoes, and that one bites during the day and it primarily bites humans."

Clearing standing water should help keep mosquitoes away, and spray repellents should have ingredients recommended by the CDC and the EPA.

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