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Silvery Langur Monkey Born At Santa Ana Zoo

SANTA ANA (CBS) — The Santa Ana Zoo is showing off the latest adorable addition to its monkey family.

A silvery langur monkey was born on Jan. 31 at the zoo to a pair of monkeys named Oliver and Daria. The baby monkey, who has yet to be named because zookeepers aren't sure if it's a boy or a girl, is the second offspring born to the pair, according to zoo officials.

"The baby langur is doing great and growing quickly," Zoo Director Kent Yamaguchi said.

Silvery langur monkeys are born with bright orange hair and pale skin, but over the first three to five months of life, change colors to a silvery-gray coat with a darker face and hands. Mature silvery langur monkeys can weigh up to 15 pounds.

In the wild, this species of monkey is found in the dense tropical forests of Indonesia and Malaysia, where they are considered near threatened thanks to land clearance. This particular species holds the longevity record with a female reaching more than 35 years of age.

Silvery langur monkeys have been housed at the Santa Ana Zoo since 1984.

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