Seal Beach Residents, Animal-Rights Activists Clash Over Killing Coyotes
SEAL BEACH ( — A heated battle over the euthanization of coyotes in Seal Beach was underway Monday night.
Residents losing their beloved pets and animal-rights activists angry with the treatment of wildlife clashed at a City Council meeting over how to solve the problem.
Some Seal Beach residents supported measures to trap and euthanize coyotes killing family pets.
One woman told City Council members "trauma" has not left the household of her neighbor since a coyote killed the family's Bichon Frisé, despite a 6-foot fence.
Others told the council find a more humane way to solve the problem.
"Once the alphas are gone, you're in big trouble. ... You're gonna have three times as many. You're creating the problem," one activist said.
City leaders announced Monday that three coyotes had been trapped and euthanized using carbon-dioxide gas within the past week.
It's a measure one council member and other activists called inhumane.
"There are techniques you can use to haze them to get them more afraid of people again," one woman added, another echoing: "I feel that with better understanding of coyotes and their habitat, people can coexist with these very adaptable canines."
City leaders say they will partner with the Humane Society in order to learn techniques to deter coyotes.
In the meantime, they plan to continue trapping and euthanizing coyotes for the next three weeks.
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