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Schiff among 14 to contract COVID at Washington's annual Gridiron Club dinner

Schiff among 14 who caught COVID at Gridiron Club dinner 00:29

A day after announcing he had tested positive for COVID-19, it turns out Burbank Congressman Adam Schiff is among at least 14 Washington elite to contract the virus after a dinner at the Gridiron Club in Washington D.C.

The annual dinner, typically a high-profile Washington media event, happened last Saturday. Guests were asked to show proof of vaccination, but a negative COVID test and masks were not required.

Since the dinner, Attorney General Merrick Garland and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo have tested positive, along with Jamal Simmons, the communications director for Vice President Kamala Harris. A number of White House staffers and at least a half dozen journalists have also tested positive.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has also tested positive for COVID, her Deputy Chief of Staff Drew Hammill tweeted on Thursday, but she did not attend the dinner. Hammill says she is asymptomatic, and it's unclear where she may have been exposed. 

President Joe Biden did not attend the dinner. Harris said she would consult with her physician because she had been in close contact with Simmons.

Notably, infectious diseases expert Dr. Anthony Fauci and CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky were also among the dinner's 630 guests.

Most of the dinner's attendees who have tested positive say they are experiencing mild symptoms.

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