Santa Ana High School Students Walk Out To Protest Principal's Resignation
SANTA ANA (CBS) — Nearly 300 Valley High School students walked out of school for about 40 minutes this afternoon to protest the resignation of their principal.
Principal Felicity Swerdlow had been the principal at Valley High School since the fall of 2009 when she resigned Monday, effective immediately. School officials cannot reveal the reasons for her resignation. Swerdlow was immediately replaced with the Principal of Carr Intermediate – a feeder school for Valley High -- Patrick Yrarrazaval- Correa, who was met with the walkout his first day on the job.
"We believe it could be related to the transition of leadership taking place this week," said Angela Burrell of the Santa Ana Unified School District.
"Obviously (Yrarrazaval-Correa) knows the community and the students and he's got a track record of academic success so we're looking for him to bring that to Valley High,"
Students walked out of class at 1 p.m. and after approximately 40 minutes, school officials were able to herd them back to class. According to school officials, the students could face detentions or suspensions, but each case will be handled individually.
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