Roll Up Your Sleeves And Cleanup The LA River This Saturday!
STUDIO CITY ( — The 24th annual Los Angeles River Cleanup will take place this Saturday!
Greg Rikaart, who plays Kevin Fisher on The Young and the Restless," visited the KCAL9 studios Monday to talk about the event the features includes live music, gift giveaways, raffle prizes and refreshments at 15 different cleanup locations from the San Fernando Valley to Long Beach.
It runs from 9 a.m. to noon and more than 3,0000 volunteers are expected to pull 25 tons of garbage from the river.
Volunteers who pull plastic bags and other trash from the river vegetation see first-hand how trash from the streets reaches the river and ocean, inspiring stewardship all year long.
Repeat volunteers uphold the tradition of comparing their "River Treasures", the weird, wacky and unexpected items found. Past River Treasures have included Christmas lights, a mini trampoline, and a collectible buffalo nickel in a case!
At five river sites, Sepulveda Basin, Bette Davis Picnic Area, Steelhead Park, Compton Creek, and Willow Street Estuary, citizen scientists will form a trash sort team to divert a percentage of trash for characterization. Data will be recorded about type of trash material, plus weight and volume, for a public report, which will express how river trash content may change over the years in response to mitigation efforts.
For more information, click here.