Riverboat Sinks Off Long Beach Coast
LONG BEACH (CBSLA) — The passing winter storm sank a riverboat off the coast of Long Beach as passersby noticed debris wash ashore.
"It was slowly sinking, rocking back and forth," said Hank, a spectator.
The coast guard was first notified about the sinking vessel, named the Newport Princess, around 9 a.m. The vessel was typically used for parties and other events. Officials suspect rough waters from the storm caused the 61-foot, three-story riverboat to sink near White Island.
Pictures snapped by Long Beach Post photographer Brandon Richardson showed that most of the vessel was submerged before nightfall.
Numerous items from the Newport Princess, such as life jackets, chairs washed up onto the shore.
"There's a whole banquet set out there," said Johnny, another spectator. "Believe me there's a whole lot of debris out there… They've already been out here with a tractor to pick up a whole load one time and now it's filled again with more stuff.
According to the Coast Guard, there were no injuries and the owner of the Newport Princess was able to get off safely.