Restored Monument Unveiled At Memorial Branch Library
LOS ANGELES ( — A monument, which stood in front of the Los Angeles Central Library downtown for decades, was unveiled Monday at its new location, the Memorial Branch Library.
The unveiling began at 9 a.m. in front of the library across the street from the Los Angeles High School at 4625 W. Olympic Blvd.
The monument, which was discovered by Councilman Tom LaBonge several months ago at a city storage yard in Griffith Park, was moved to storage when the Los Angeles Central Library underwent renovations from 1988 to 1993.
"The City of Los Angeles has layers of history like a tree has rings," LaBonge said in a statement. "With this monument, I'm excited to peel back a layer for our library system."
The mid-Wilshire library also houses a rare stained glass window that is part of the community's legacy.
"The amazing stain glass window in this library is honoring 20 soldiers from World War II that were students at Los Angeles High School across the street," head librarian John said.
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