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Quake Fault Line Mapping Resumes After Nearly 20-Year Pause

SANTA MONICA ( — California seismologists are once again mapping fault lines after a lull of nearly two decades due to budget cuts.

KNX 1070's Margaret Carrero reports the Santa Monica fault is part of 2,000 miles of faulting statewide that still needs to be mapped out after Governor Brown approved $1.5 million in funding this year.

Quake Fault Line Mapping Resumes After Nearly 20-Year Pause

The fault - which forms a line of cliffs (PDF) about 2.5 miles to the southern of the Santa Monica Mountains - is believed to run directly underneath Santa Monica Boulevard through Beverly Hills, Westwood, and into Santa Monica proper.

Other faults being zoned by seismologists include those in Hollywood, Whittier, and portions of the San Andreas fault.

Last year's City Council approval of the Millennium Hollywood skyscraper project renewed concerns about the mapping program, since the proposed site for the project is believed to fall within the Hollywood fault zone.

An increase in building permit fees statewide will provide another $1.3 million a year for the program, according to reports.

Residents like Alberto and his wife - who have lived in Westwood for 15 years - said they were unlikely to move regardless of what the study finds.

"Honestly, we just try to live day by day," he said. "If something happen (sic), it's gonna happen."

Seismologists are expected to release a preliminary map of the Santa Monica fault with about nine months, according to The Los Angeles Times.

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