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POP Tennis Becomes Popular Sport Played Along Shoreline In SoCal

VENICE ( — A nontraditional game of Tennis has recently become popular along the shoreline here in Southern California.

POP Tennis, also known as Popular Tennis, is a game that was created for all ages and ethnicity to play that tends to be easier than a traditional game of Tennis.

Ken Lindner, who is a member of the POP Tennis Hall of Fame, spearheaded the Southern California movement and re-branded the game of Tennis.

POP Tennis Players
(credit: CBS)

Lindner explained the exhilarating sport involves a smaller court with a lower net, which generally allows for more exciting net play and longer rallies to occur.

Within the game, players use an underhand instead of an overhand serve. This allows for less running along with less wear and tear on players feet, shoulders and back legs, Lindner added.

POP Tennis Racquet


The hitting surface on racquets that are used in POP Tennis is closer to player's hands, which makes it easier to learn and immediately play well.

The sport allows for children to easily develop their volleys, strokes, and movements with less frustration on the court.

POP Tennis

According to Lindner, Tennis pros such as Maria Sharapova, John McEnroe, and Andy Roddick have even come to Venice to play POP Tennis in their spare time.

The game can be played in Venice Beach, Alla Park, Torrance, and beach clubs along the Pacific Coast Highway.

Lindner intends to have the sport soon go national and international. His goal is to have POP Tennis become an Olympic sport.

For more information about POP Tennis, click here.

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