Poll: Majority Of Voters Consider Leaving California Due To Housing Costs
LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — A new poll shows that the high cost of housing has taken the shine off the Golden State.
According to a new poll out of UC Berkeley, 56 percent of California voters say they have considered moving because of the high cost of housing. One in four voters say if they do move, it'll probably be outside the state.
Half of the state's registered voters – 48 percent – consider housing affordability to be an extremely serious problem in the area where they live, according to the latest Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll.
The apparent doubts about staying in California were unsurprisingly highest among renters, at 67 percent, but were also surprisingly high among homeowners at 47 percent.
Chronic housing unaffordability has led to an increase in support for legislative interventions. The poll found early support for a multi-billion-dollar statewide bond proposed for the November 2018 ballot to help finance the construction of more low-income housing in California, with 51 percent of voters surveyed in favor of the bond.
The poll further found that 60 percent of the voters surveyed supported local rent control ordinances.
The poll was conducted online in English and Spanish among 1,200 registered voters in late August and early September.