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Poll: California Voters Support Budget Election

SACRAMENTO (CBS/AP) — As lawmakers prepare to vote on Gov. Jerry Brown's state budget plan, a new poll finds support for his proposal to let voters decide whether to continue tax increases to help close California's budget deficit.

A Field Poll released Wednesday says most registered voters also support extending for five years the higher sales, personal income and vehicle taxes enacted two years ago.

Both houses are scheduled to take up the governor's plan Wednesday afternoon, although there still is no sign he has enough GOP support for a ballot measure.

One of the Democratic leaders scheduling the vote, Senate President Pro Tem Darryl Steinberg, tells KNX 1070 he's confident there will be some GOP defectors to Brown's plan.


Five Republican senators had been meeting with Brown in hopes of striking a compromise, but GOP leaders have refused to endorse the tax vote.

The poll surveyed 898 registered voters by telephone from Feb. 28 through March 14.

(© Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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