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Police identify man accused of assaulting mail carriers

Santa Monica Post Office suspends mail delivery after several attacks 02:51

The United States Postal Service suspended letter delivery on the 1300 block of 14th Street in Santa Monica after a resident allegedly attacked multiple mail carriers. 

The USPS said there is no estimated time to when mail delivery will resume and residents will have to pick up their mail at the post office.

"I mean, you hear the post office as rain, sleet or snow," said neighbor Danielle Venturino. "They're supposed to bring you your mail no matter what. For them to stop mail, it made me feel really unsafe."

The Santa Monica Police Department and neighbors have identified 38-year-old Devon Morgan as the man accused of assaulting multiple mail carriers. According to his neighbors, he's often incoherent and angry. 

"He walks around with a golf club over his back," said neighbor Jim Price. "It's a wood and it's very threatening to people."

Price said that he has called the police on Morgan dozens of times. While the 38-year-old was arrested, he was often released later. Apart from mail carriers, other nearby businesses said that he has harassed other employees. 

"He was waiting by my car swinging a golf club and I was by myself," said nearby Truxton's manager Cori Newman. "It was terrifying."

Santa Monica police confirmed that Mordan was arrested Friday for an unrelated vandalism charge and has been booked into Los Angeles County Jail several times. 

"It's going to tale someone literally being physically really hurt before something happens," said Newman. 

USPS said that three mail carriers have been assaulted three separate times but Santa Monica police said only one has been reported. 

"The U.S. Postal Inspection Service is aware of the recent reports of suspicious activity towards Postal Carriers in Santa Monica, California.  Postal Inspectors are currently investigating the incidents and are unable to comment further at this time. Postal Inspectors encourage anyone who observes suspicious activity involving US Mail to report it to local police and to Postal Inspectors at 1-877-876-2455."

A carrier that was assaulted in January declined to press charges. Newman said that a carrier who dropped off her mail said he was chased down the street Saturday.

 "It's scary," Newman said. "I come to work and it's my job and I don't want to be afraid."

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