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Palisades Fire debris removal deadline approaches, "We need your cooperation"

CBS News Live
CBS News Los Angeles Live

Officials are urging residents with property destroyed by the Palisades Fire to respond to fire debris clearance requests, so work can get done quickly as critical deadlines approach.

A government-run, free fire debris removal process that allows crews with the Army Corps of Engineers to enter the property and do the work, requires residents to fill out a Right of Entry Form. Residents who want to hire their own private contractors for debris removal work must also fill out the same form, opting out of the government program -- and the deadline is one week away.

Supervisor Lindsey Horvath said at a Monday news conference that there are still 3,400 people who have neither opted in nor out. "If you are negotiating with your insurance and are unsure, opt-in, you can change direction later, but you can't opt-in later," she said.  

Malibu Mayor Doug Stewart emphasized that the ROEs being requested are critical not only for property owners but for the well-being of the city.

"Until we get this debris off the beach and off the hillsides, it's going to keep flowing into the ocean and into our streams. We need your cooperation as soon as possible," he said, reminding residents of the March 31 deadline.

The supervisor also encouraged those already working with a private contractor, to be sure to opt out officially. Contractors will not be able to take debris to landfills unless they are properly permitted. "So please make sure that you opt out, let us know and work with the county to get properly permitted."

Using the Malibu La Costa beach community as an example, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Col. Brian Sawser said everyone there came together and filled out their ROE forms -- opting in, or out, allowing for work to get done quickly.

"And what you have here on the entire stretch of the beach is all the parcels accounted for. We know what everyone is going to do, and now we can synchronize our efforts … we can quickly remove this fire debris before the end of this month … and then we can move to the next beach, the next stretch of PCH that needs to be worked on," Sawser said.

It's not just homeowners that need to get the forms in, officials said. Some nonprofit organizations and houses of worship still need to get ROEs in and complete a request for public assistance form.  "We are also pushing to get you all of the help that you need and you deserve in this incredibly difficult time,"  Horvath said. 

While FEMA has not yet provided a definitive answer on whether condos or mobile homes qualify, Horvath urged owners of the Palisades Bowl Mobile Estates and Tahitian Terrace to submit ROE forms. "We are pushing for your inclusion, we are fighting to make sure you are part of this program ..." she said. 

Right of Entry and opt-out forms are available at Stewart said assistance with the forms is also available at Malibu City Hall.    

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