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Pacoima community rallies around family of boy with autism who was slapped at bus stop

Community rallies around Pacoima family after autistic son slapped by passing driver
Community rallies around Pacoima family after autistic son slapped by passing driver 02:41

The Pacoima community came together in a massive showing of support for a homeless family at the center of a disturbing incident where their son with autism was slapped at a bus stop two weeks ago. 

Jarring video captured the moments that Alfred Morales, just 10-years-old, was slapped by a man after he touched the emblem of his Mercedes-Benz while crossing the street with his sister. 

"The guy did a u-turn and returned back to smack Alfred, sadly," said Arturo Sanchez, uncle of the two children. "They were telling, yelling, 'You know what he has autism.'"

As the video began to make its rounds on social media, many in the community were left with feelings of shock and outrage, seeking ways to support the family. 

Since they started raising money a few weeks ago, community members were able to raise tens of thousands of dollars through an online fundraiser. They've been able to bring donations and food, even moving them into a motel room. 

Now, on Friday, they were able to pay for a tow truck to take their Ford to a dealership so it can be repaired. 

"I was taken aback and appalled at the situation, the slap, and to find out they are homeless," said Dan Theroux, the general manager of Airport Marina Ford. "I saw it's a Ford product and thought we could reach out and help them in some way, shape or form."

Alfred's father Miguel says that he's overwhelmed by the support, but still sad about what happened to his son. He's hopeful that once his truck is repaired, he can get back to his passion of cooking. 

On top of that, they're hopeful that their publicity will bring a greater understanding and appreciation for children living with autism. 

"I think no child should've gone through what he went through, Sanchez said. "Alfred is a voice for a lot of autism kids."

While Los Angeles Police Department officers continue to investigate the incident, they note that no charges have yet been filed. 

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