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Outpouring Of Support For Swimming Coach Shot By Burglar Is Helping Him Recover, Says Wife

ORANGE (CBSLA) — A beloved Southland swimming coach is in the hospital after a would-be burglar shot him in the chest, but he is recovering thanks, in part, to the overwhelming outpouring of support from his community.

Adam Crossen, 42, is recovering in an Irvine intensive care unit after Monday's shooting. Early that morning, he heard something outside his home in Orange and stepped out to investigate.

At that point, he found a person trying to break into his car and gave chase. This was caught on video by a security camera nearby.

The suspect ended up shooting Crossen in the chest, leaving him to die in the street. Fortunately, Crossen had enough strength left in him to crawl to a neighbor's house to seek help.

"I don't even know how. By the grace of God, he's alive," his wife Julie told CBS2 News Thursday, the day he awoke and was finally able to talk again.

Even though he has a collapsed lung and needs another surgery, Adam's thumbs-up showed he's a fighter.

Julie said his first three questions were, "How are my boys, how are you and how are my swimmers?"

"That has been the greatest gift, just to tell him, 'I love you,'" said Julie. "That was the first thing he did. He wanted to FaceTime his boys."

His swimming students and his community have been a huge part of his recovery, Julie said.

"My husband has touched the lives of so many people... I truly believe my husband is here by the power of prayer and a community coming together to pray."

Police have released new photos of the suspect, in addition to the video of Adam chasing them.

Julie said she prays she'll be able to forgive the suspect once they are in jail, but for now, she's in disbelief the person would just drive off while her husband was alone in the dark, left to die.

"I want him off the streets of my community. I think this community deserves to feel safe," said Julie.

Crossen's friends and family have started an online fundraiser for Adam's medical expenses. People can click here to pitch in.

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