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Only On KCAL9: Eder Herrera Opens Up About His Relationship With Alleged OC Serial Killer

YORBA LINDA (CBS) — Eder Herrera is speaking for the first time, and only to KCAL9 News, about being wrongly accused of murdering his mother and brother, and his relationship to the alleged serial killer who later admitted to the crimes.

"It was already bad enough losing my family and being in jail and then, on top of that, you find out a guy you called a brother, at one point in time, betrays you like this," Herrara said.

Herrara said Oct. 25, 2011 -- the day his family was killed -- started out like any other day.

Orange County police are convinced that Ocampo killed Herrara's mother and brother. But they said they still suspect Herrera may have played a part in the crimes.

They first became suspicious when, on the night of the murders, Herrara drove by the house, saw the police cars, and drove off without checking on his family.

Herrara said he was afraid to approach police because he is an illegal immigrant and he was afraid of being deported. He said he called his brother five times and never heard back.

Police arrested Herrara for the double murder and was jailed for three months until Ocampo confessed to the murders.

According to a grand jury indictment, Ocampo planned to kill Herrara as well to possibly make it look like a murder-suicide.

"I honestly wish he had killed all three of us...or I wish that I would have stayed home that night. That's the thing I regret the most -- leaving my house that Tuesday night," Herrera said.

Herrara said when Ocampo returned from military service in Afghanistan he began using drugs heavily and acting erratically. That's when Herrara decided to end the friendship.

Now, police are trying to determine if Herrara and Ocampo were sexually involved.

Ocampo told detectives he was angry that he and Herrera broke up.

Herrara denies that they were romantically involved.

"It obviously sounds like Ocampo was obsessed with me or like he was in love with me or something. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy too, but as a friend," said Herrara, who added that Ocampo gave off no signs that he might be gay and he had never made advances on him.

Herrara has filed claims against the police agencies that are investigating him.

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