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Omar Minaya To Interview For Angels' GM

CBS Sports
C. Trent Rosecrans

ANAHEIM, Calif. - Wait, didn't the Angels just get of a general manager who loaded up the team with bad contracts and underachieving players? Maybe Arte Moreno has a type, because the Los Angeles Times reports former Mets general manager Omar Minaya will interview for the Angels' open general manager position.

The Angels' are apparently interviewing everyone short of me for the position, so this may end up being nothing more than a good laugh for Mets fans, but still it seems interesting.

The others who have reportedly interviewed or gotten an interview are White Sox assistant GM Rick Hahn, MLB senior vice president Kim Ng, Diamondbacks exec Jerry DiPoto and Yankees staffers Billy Eppler and Damon Oppenheimer. Rays general manager Andrew Friedman has also been connected to the job.

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