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'No Regrets': 100-Year-Old WWII Vet Embarks On National Tour

SACRAMENTO (CBSLA) — A 100-year-old World War II veteran from Rancho Bernardo is determined to complete one final mission — keeping the memory of his fallen brothers and sisters alive.

And he's doing that, one state and one governor at a time. So far, Sidney Walton has been to 23 states, the White House and he even made a trip to Normandy for the 75th anniversary of D-Day. This week, Walton was in Sacramento to meet Gov. Gavin Newsom at the state capitol.

Walton enlisted in the army nine months before the attack on Pearl Harbor and served the remainder of the war in the 34th infantry, 8th division, where he rose to the rank of corporal.

All of this travel is part of what Walton called his "No Regrets Tour." Walton, along with his son, are on a mission to visit all 50 states and meet with all 50 governors as the duo raises awareness of the diminishing number of WWII veterans and the sacrifices so many made during the war.

Walton said his biggest regret is passing up the chance to meet a Civil War veteran, and now he's hoping throughout his tour he can offer a similar opportunity to other people he meets along the way.

For more information about Walton, or to support his cause, visit his website.

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