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Newborn Decides 15 Freeway Is Just As Good As Any Hospital

THE KENWOOD EXIT OF THE 15 FREEWAY ( —  Hospital? We don't need no stinkin' hospital!

At least that was the apparent feeling of newborn Kacey Grace Motley.

She decided that the 15 Freeway (specifically the Kenwood exit in San Bernardino) was just as good as any other place to make her debut Tuesday morning.

Fortunately for little Kacey, a firefighter was on hand to help her dad.  There were complications, but everything worked out fine.

Reporter Ed Lawrence spoke to the proud parents Saturday evening and has the story you will only see on CBS2 and KCAL9.

Amber Motley told Lawrence she never does anything the "normal" way. Kacey's birth is a clear indicator of that.

"As soon as I woke up," recalls Amber, "I pulled the covers up and I told him my water broke. And he thought I was joking. I jumped out of bed."

Jason Motley lagged a bit. "I thought she was messing with me. Because I was dragging getting out of bed."

She wasn't messing!

Amber took a little more time to get ready. "I wanted to put on make-up and fix my hair. You know, go to the hospital not looking like I just got out of bed."

The couple (who have another daughter, 5-year-old Kaitlyn) lives in Pinion Hills, an area remote enough that their street is dirt.

They planned to take the 138 to the 15 through the Cajon Pass to Redlands Hospital.

So much for plans! By I-15, Amber realized they were in bIg-trouble.  Little Kacey was in the fast lane and she was ready to hit the exit ramp.

Jason pulled off at Kenwood, remembering there was a firehouse near. Amber was giving birth in the front seat.

Kacey's head was blue, the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck.

The fire crew was on a call. The longest ten minutes of Jason Motley's life.

"When I saw that fire truck coming down the road," he says, "my first instinct was to yell as loud as I could to flag them down."

Firefighter David Bonney was first on the scene. This was the third child he's helped deliver in six years.  He immediately knew what to do.

The Motley's credit Bonney with saving their daughter's life.

Kacey's birth certificate now lists the designation of Kenwood Avenue as the birthplace, Route 66.

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