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Nethercutt Collection and Museum: For Car Buffs, Worth the Trip to the Valley

Did you know that a pristine collection of classic cars - as far back as 1900's classic - exists in Sylmar?

The Nethercutt Collection and Museum is a quirky, little-known facility that is a "best kept secret." It's off the beaten path amid the ranches of Sylmar, it doesn't do a lot of promotion...and it's absolutely free to the public. The automotive enthusiasts in your family will love you for taking them on an excursion to the Nethercutt.

J.B. Nethercutt made a fortune after moving to Southern California and going into the cosmetics business with his aunt, Merle Norman. He and his wife Dorothy spent a nice chunk of their money amassing one of the world's finest collections of classic cars. They began sharing it with the public back in 1971, when they built their 10-story "San Sylmar" retreat next door to the corporate headquarters of Merle Norman cosmetics.

The Nethercutts' living quarters were at the top of the building, which not only showcases 50 antique, vintage, black iron and classic cars but also houses an extensive collection of musical instruments. This includes the largest Wurlitzer theater organ on the west coast.

Organ aficionados are invited to attend concerts and silent movie events at the Nethercutt (one is being held this month, on the 21st and 22nd). These events are also free to the public with tickets (call the Collection at 818-364-6464 to reserve seats).

An additional 100+ vehicles are on display across the street at the Nethercutt Museum. These range from the plebeian, mass-produced Ford Model T on up to one-of-a-kind custom luxury vehicles originally owned by the rich and famous, and examples of nameplates that are no longer with us: Cords, Hudsons, Packards, Duesenbergs, Pierce-Arrows and more. All are gleaming and in pristine condition.

Also showcased are a collection of automotive mascots, accessories and hood ornaments. And out in back, guests are invited to walk through a genuine 1937 locomotive with the 1912 Pullman Private Car once owned by the daughter of Santa Anita racetrack developer "Lucky" Baldwin.

Admission to both facilities is free; but the Nethercutt Collection is open by appointment only, Thursday through Saturday at 10:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Admission is free.

Reservations are not necessary to visit the Nethercutt Museum, which is open Tuesday - Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Parking is free.

Nethercutt Collection at San Sylmar

15200 Bledsoe St.
Sylmar, CA 91342

Nethercutt Museum
15151 Bledsoe St.
Sylmar, CA 91342
(818) 364-6464

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