2 Attempted Robbers In Critical Condition After Being Shot By Marijuana Dispensary Owner
WALNUT PARK (CBSLA.com) — The owner of a Walnut Park marijuana dispensary shot and wounded two attempted robbers, authorities said Wednesday.
The would-be robbers were hospitalized following the shooting in the 2400 block of East Florence Avenue in unincorporated Walnut Park, south of Huntington Park, according to Los Angeles County sheriff's Lt. Thomas Giandeomenico. The HP Med Collective is located in a storefront with no signage.
The owner, who identified himself as Ike, said he saw the hooded robbers come into his store on his security camera. One robber was armed with an assault rifle, and both men wore body armor, according to sheriff's officials.
The two suspects are in critical condition. No other injuries were reported.
An investigation into the shooting is underway, Giandomenico said.
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