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Chiropractor sends a warning after patient claims sex assault by man who wanders into office

Chiropractic office surveillance video shows sexual assault suspect wandering into the business
Chiropractic office surveillance video shows sexual assault suspect wandering into the business 01:49

A Long Beach chiropractor wants to send out a warning and share his story of a patient who says that a man who wandered into the office with the pretense of seeking services began to sexually assault her.

Surveillance video from Monday, March 18, shows a man in a gray T-shirt and pants with a white baseball hat walking briskly through the hallways of Clements Chiropractic on E. Anaheim Street around noon.

Dr. Corey Clements says that even though Long Beach police arrested the suspect, he still wants to share the story, to alert the business community.

As the man stood at the reception counter asking about massage services, he asked to use the restroom. Staff directed him down the hall and instead of using the bathroom, the man went into a patient room and touched someone in the room, Clements said.

The video shows him walking through the hallways, where Clements said he then went into another room and began sexually assaulting a patient. Clements said the patient was screaming and yelling when staff rushed to help.

The man ran off and out of the building and Clements said they ultimately detained him until LBPD officers arrived to arrest the man.

"He ripped off a towel rack off the wall, he had a weapon in his hands, he was … a desperate man," Clements said.

Clements said the victim identified her attacker to the police. 

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