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Man Attacks Healthcare Staff At Tustin Mobile Vaccine Site

TUSTIN (CBSLA) — In a fit of rage, a man in Tustin attacked healthcare workers outside a mobile vaccine site, sending one man to the emergency room.

"One of our employees, he got pretty bruised up," said Alexander Rossel CEO of Families Together of Orange County.

Protestors have demonstrated outside several of the company's vaccine sites many times before but hoped that the day would never come when someone would attack them. However, the day they had all been dreading finally came on Thursday, Dec. 30 when 43-year-old Thomas Apollo, came to the mobile vaccine clinic in the company's office parking lot. According to witnesses, Apollo arrived at the site and began a verbal assault on workers, falsely accusing of being murderers, while also refusing to put on a mask.

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(credit: Families of Orange County)

Once he was asked to leave by security Apollo became more agitated and began to launch not only profanities but fists. In total it took three employees to restrain the enraged man, all while he continued to spout erroneous claims one of which was that the healthcare workers caused the pandemic.

Apollo continued to resist when police arrived, taking a total of five officers to handcuff him. Apollo was taken to a hospital for observation, while one of the workers that helped restrain him was suffered head injuries and landed in the emergency room.

"We wanted him to stay out for a few days but he's a hero," Rossel said about his employee. "He decided to come back to work today."

After the ordeal, Rossel made it clear that the company and its respect other's personal opinions and are just there to do their jobs.

"They've been working here tirelessly," said Rossel. "Extended hours, weekends, trying to provide the services the community needs at this point."

Since the attack, Apollo was released from jail on zero bail, while the Orange County District Attorney's office continues to review the case. They indicated that potential charges will not be determined until Monday.

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