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Los Angeles Mission serves its traditional Thanksgiving meals

Los Angeles Mission's Thanksgiving feast
Los Angeles Mission's Thanksgiving feast 02:01

Los Angeles Mission is serving up its traditional Thanksgiving meals for the homeless this afternoon.

It's taken a month of preparation to get everything ready for today's big event, with about 300 volunteers and sponsor Suitcase Joe joining to make it all happen. 

"It's rewarding to me when someone can get a good meal in the midst of food insecurities and high inflation," said Los Angeles Mission Executive Chef Erik Grant.

Rev. Troy Vaughn, president and CEO Los Angeles Mission, says they are blessed with all the volunteers helping out today.
"It's very important for them (the volunteers) to see what they do matters, and that service does work and it does matter," said Vaughn.

Every Thanksgiving, Los Mission provides hot food and other basic necessities to the men, women, and children currently living on Skid Row.  

"The Los Angeles Mission is more than just a shelter, we are a comprehensive service organization, full of compassion and love for this community," said Vaughn.  

Los Angeles Mission serves the homeless 365 days a year, providing long-term residential rehabilitation programs, including education, professional mental health counseling, job training/placement, and transitional housing.

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