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Las Virgenes Municipal Water District Board approves 1-day-per-week irrigation restrictions The Rundown (May 18 PM Edition) The Rundown (May 18 PM Edition) 02:11

The Las Virgenes Municipal Water District Board unanimously approved a drought resolution Wednesday that will limit residents outdoor irrigation to one day a week, with the restrictions taking effect June 1. 

Last week, LVMWD held a virtual town hall with more than 1,300 people who shared their concerns and feedback with the district's board of directors. 

According to a Wednesday press release, district staff concluded that the one-day-per-week restrictions were necessary in order "to meet stringent conservation reduction targets implemented because of current water supply challenges and limitations of MWD infrastructure in delivering supplies from Diamond Valley Lake and the Colorado River Aqueduct." 

The release also noted that LVMWD lacks local supplies for drinking water and is dependent on imported water from the State Water Project.

"The lack of precipitation, snowpack and runoff, higher temperatures; and low reservoir levels for three consecutive years have created an incredibly challenging circumstance that requires immediate action in water usage," the release stated. 

As of June 1, residents with even addresses will be permitted to irrigate on Tuesdays, and those with odd addresses on Thursdays, for eight minutes per irrigation station. Exemptions to the restriction include the use of drip irrigation systems and hand watering. LVMWD encouraged residents to water trees by hand to provide them with enough water to survive. 

"This is one of the most difficult decisions I have had to make as a Board member," said LVMWD Board President Jay Lewitt. "Our customers, like 6.6 million other Southern Californians, must take responsibility for our water usage to avoid even more strict outdoor irrigation restrictions that could come later this year. We need everyone to do their part." 

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