LA Street Sweep Pilot Program Aims To Reduce Citations
LOS ANGELES ( — The City Council approved the development of a pilot program Wednesday that could reduce the number of parking citations issued for street sweeping by informing residents via a text or online tool when sweepers have finished cleaning a street.
The pilot program still needs to be fully developed and does not have a direct source of funding for its estimated cost of $573,316, but the motion approved today with a 14-0 vote directs various city departments to report back on the progress of the development of the pilot and to identify possible funding.
The program would last for eight to 10 months and cover Woodland Hills and West L.A. If the pilot program is successful in cutting down on parking tickets it could expand to the entire city.
According to a city staff report, an L.A.-wide rollout would cost the city between $4.5 million and $11.8 million in lost ticket revenue.
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