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LA County to provide free access to feminine hygiene products, diapers and other personal care items

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CBS News Los Angeles Live

Los Angeles County will provide free access to feminine hygiene products, diapers and other personal care items at various government facilities under a program approved today by the Board of Supervisors.

Under the motion by Supervisors Hilda Solis and Sheila Kuehl, the county CEO will work with the parks, library and social services departments, along with county museums and cultural venues, to develop a one-year pilot program offering the products. County officials will also review possible future funding sources to keep the program going if it proves successful.

"In recent years, there has been an overdue recognition that hygiene products are costly and that cost is disproportionately felt by women," according to the motion. "Period poverty, defined as inadequate access to menstrual hygiene tools and education, has a disparate impact and creates an additional financial burden for those who menstruate.

"This includes a lack of access to sanitary products, washing facilities and waste products."

The motion notes that state universities, along with community colleges and middle/high schools will soon begin offering free feminine hygiene products on campuses. UCLA was scheduled to begin the program this week.

The city of Los Angeles is also beginning a pilot program that will provide menstrual products in restrooms at five public libraries. 

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