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LA County DA Will Not File Felony Charges For 'Tastes Like Hate' Graffiti

TORRANCE ( — The Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office declined Wednesday to file felony charges against a man who claimed responsibility for painting "Tastes Like Hate" on a Torrance Chick-fil-A.

Street artist Manuel Castro says he vandalized the restaurant on Aug. 3 in protest of its CEO's comments against same-sex marriage.

"...It is the conclusion of the District Attorney's Office that this is not a matter for which felony prosecution is appropriate," wrote John Zajec, the head prosecutor in the Torrance office. "The matter is therefore referred to the Torrance City Attorney's Office for consideration of possible misdemeanor prosecution."

Castro, who is gay, told the Huffington Post the graffiti was intended to look like the chain's "Eat More Chikin" ad campaign. He was arrested about a week after the vandalism.

It cost the restaurant's owner "approximately several hundred dollars" to have the wall painted over, according to the District Attorney's Office.

"The amount of the damages appears to be relatively minor involving repainting a section of stucco wall approximately 15 feet long by 12 feet high. The suspect has acknowledged his wrongdoing and offered to make restitution. Finally, the record does not establish the suspect was motivated by religious hatred," Zajec wrote.

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