Koko The Gorilla Falls In Love With Her New Kittens
Koko is a world-famous gorilla that lives at the San Francisco Zoo.
She has a sign-language vocabulary of more than 1,000 words.
The gorilla also loves babies. So, for her 44th birthday over the summer, caregivers at the Gorilla Foundation arranged for Koko to spend some time with a box full of kittens.
She seemed to love every second of it.
Koko's caretaker immediately knew Koko and the kittens had to be together.
So Koko was able to adopt two of them. Her caretaker posted a video of the gorilla and her new "babies" to YouTube, where it has been viewed more than 1.4 million times.
Kittens have been around Koko before. She's adopted multiple kittens throughout the years, nurturing them as if they were her own babies.