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Is Your Child's School This Bad?

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 The two 17-year-old criminal masterminds above may not be allowed to participate in their upcoming commencement ceremony (There's a threat. -Ed.) , or go to the prom, because of what they did. Oh yes, and they're also facing criminal charges.

Their crime? They released live chickens inside their high school, as part of a senior prank. Is it me, or wasn't a single member of the current crop of school administrators ever a child? These two, and one other guy (not pictured), face criminal charges of trespass,  and disorderly conduct.  "Oh sure, it's funny, until someone gets hurt," the Woodbridge, NJ, School superintendent  most assuredly did not say.

Have you seen a online video that's gone viral -- I'm getting sick of that phrase -- of a little bully taking punches at a larger, passive middle school student outside of class? The bigger kid takes a number of shots to the gut and face and just stands there until he's had enough, and then does a body slam on the bully that would do 'em proud over at WWE.

 So what's the outcome?  Both are suspended from school. Really? Did the school look at the video? On the site where I saw it, there were more than 500 comments -- almost every single one of which showed outrage that a kid defending himself  would be punished.

Is this a kind of political correctness run amok, or grown-ups who are freaked out by a lawsuit-happy society?  Either way, it bodes ill for victims of bullies... or chicken pranksters. (Photo source: CBSNY)

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