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Police Presence For LAUSD Starts Monday

LOS ANGELES ( — When D.J. Powell goes back to school Monday, he will be thinking of only one thing: "Learning."

However, Shaun Powell -- D.J.'s dad -- tells CBS2 and KCAL9 reporter Cristy Fajardo that thoughts of Connecticut and the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary won't be far from his thoughts.

"I hate to see what happened back there in Connecticut," said Shaun, "Hopefully, in due time, everybody there will be all right."

To make sure that LA school children remain all right, the LAPD will begin showing up randomly to patrol elementary and middle schools.

Chief Charlie Beck announced the plan last month in response to the Newtown massacre.

So, tomorrow, when the winter breaks ends, the LAPD will be a common sight at the LAUSD. Police plan to visit all elementary and middle schools on a daily basis.

Sgt. Brian Gura of the Pacific Division says, "That means, up to 30 minutes a day at these schools, we'll be meeting with school members. Possibly with teachers, parents."

Poice insist the patrols are not in any response to any specific threat made against LA schools. They are more a precautionary measure.  Says Gura, "We want parents to be assured their children will be safe."

Student Michael Mangum tells Fajardo he likes the idea. "I like feeling more protected."

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