Inclusion Films Offers Movie Workshops For Adults With Developmental Disabilities
STUDIO CITY (CBS) — Joey Travolta of Inclusion Films and Bonnie Tiegel from "Entertainment Tonight" stopped by the KCAL9 studios Wednesday to talk about their production company that's helping people living with autism.
April is Autism Awareness month.
Travolta, who is the older brother of actor John Travolta, founded Inclusion Films which trains adults with developmental disabilities in the nuts and bolts of filmmaking. Those involved do everything from writing the script to building sets and using film and editing equipment.
Students with autism, cerebral palsy and Down syndrome are trained by working cinematographers, set designers, actors and other professionals who are active in the industry.
The goal of Inclusion is to help people find jobs in the entertainment industry or some other field.
For more information about Inclusion Films, visit them online.