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California Poison Control: Don't Drink Hydrogen Peroxide

IRVINE (CBSLA) — Its labels say "for external use only," but amid an uptick in medical emergencies, California Poison Control is saying it unequivocally – don't drink hydrogen peroxide.

YouTube videos touting hydrogen peroxide as a cure for headaches, allergies, Alzheimer's disease or HIV have more people drinking it and ending up in the hospital.

Doctors report seeing an uptick in strokes, seizures, disability, and in some cases, death.

Hydrogen peroxide is typically used to disinfect wounds. But if swallowed, it can be very dangerous.

"Hydrogen peroxide, even a small amount, enough to take a sip, can release hundreds of milliliters or liters of oxygen in the human body," UCI Medical Center's Dr. Ahmed Elrefaie said. "Just like when you pour soda and air fizzes to the top because of gravity, if you were to ingest hydrogen peroxide, that air can get into the blood vessels and gravity rises it to the top and it can go to your brain, heart and lungs."

California Poison Control says they've been inundated with calls reporting people drinking food-grade hydrogen peroxide. Some report they've burned their esophagus, others say they've suffered seizures, strokes and heart attacks.

Seven percent of those calls either died or suffered long-term disability.

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