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Huntington Beach Landmark, Don The Beachcomber, May Be Torn Down

HUNTINGTON BEACH (  —  A Huntington Beach landmark is in danger of being torn down.

Don The Beachcomber, a popular restaurant and lounge, has brought life to the community for decades.

KCAL9's Jennifer Kastner says the landmark could be torn down in favor of luxury condos.

Rum drinks, wood carvings and blowfish lights adorn the premises. Don the Beachcomber is a Tiki lover's paradise and has been for decades.

But that paradise could be paved over.

"It literally makes me sick," says regular Riley Kern.

She is one of hundreds of the nightspot's regulars who have joined  "Save Don the Beachcomber" on Facebook.

"We can't even imagine this amazing place being torn down to put up another chicken coop," she said, "not for some soul-less chicken coop."

On the restaurant's Facebook page, there are reassurances that the landlord has no plans to make any immediate changes.

But regulars aren't convinced.

The restaurant and bar was first opened in the 1920s. It survived three fires and three name changes.

Next week the Huntington Beach City Council will discuss re-zoning the area for hi-rises or condos.

"It's always been a target for someone to come in and level the place and build a giant structure here," says regular Matt Marble.

Locals say this place is a piece of history. Stars of the past used to walk through its door. Lucille Ball. Desi Arnaz, to name a few.

"John Wayne used to drink here," says Marble.

The current owner was unavailable to talk to Kastner but patrons told her they don't want to see the place replaced with anything else.

"This place is one of a kind," says Marble.

The people behind "Save Don the Beacomber" plan to show up at next Monday's city council meeting and voice their concerns.

The meeting starts at 6 p.m. at Huntington Beach City Hall.

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