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Hope You Never See This At A Local Park

Well, this oughta bring a new level of excitement to your next outing at the park. It's a park bench that shoots spikes into your... your... uh, the thing you sit on (Oh for God's sake, just say "buttocks!" -Ed.), if you sit too long.

China has taken the ideas of a relaxing place to unwind, and the mechanical pony ride outside the grocery store; and combined them with a medieval torture rack, plus a doomsday-style countdown clock. Mix them all together, and you have the new Pain-in-the-A** Family Fun Bench. Drop a few yuan into the timer, sit back, and pray that you don't get so comfy, that you nod off. On the plus side, you WILL wake up. (Complete article, here.)

Apparently, parks in China get overcrowded with squatters. That shouldn't be a problem for long. I'd guess about 15 minutes should do it.

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