Herbal Pharmacist David Foreman Shares 3 Safe Herbal Weight-Loss Solutions
STUDIO CITY (CBSLA.com) — Herbal Pharmacist David Foreman stopped by KCAL9 Thursday to show viewers three safe herbal solutions to weight-loss.
He also discussed five well-known "natural" ingredients that are detrimental to the body.
David will show your viewers three safe herbal solutions to some of the most common weight loss hang-ups:
1. Carb obsessions – White kidney bean extract
2. Food cravings – Green tea
3. No energy – Carnipure
David will also expose five natural ingredients that have detrimental side effects to the body:
1. Kola nut
2. Guarana
3. Senna
4. Cascara Sagrada
5. Caffeine
For more information visit Herbal Pharmacist.